Home » Vegetable polish for furniture 911
- Kräuter-Möbelpolitur LF
The polish is designed to update and care for wooden surfaces treated with oil
- Does not contain solvent
- Waterproof and vapor permeable
- Keeps the tree fresh and resistant
- Protects against cracking
- Suitable for application on oiled and waxed surfaces
- It is not intended for surfaces subject to abrasion
- Safe for children's toys according to DINEN 71-3

0.25 l
1 layer
60 m2
Apply as thin a layer as possible and immediately rub with a cloth. On the surface, untreated by LINOS. Always do a trial coloring.
To achieve optimal results, read the technical instructions of all the formulations used. The surface must be dry, durable, clean, free of grease and dust. Do not apply the first layer on absorbent surfaces.
Carefully read the technical instructions of each composition used
Immediately after work, use white spirit solvent or a similar solvent to clean the tool.
The product is not self-igniting
To avoid fire, oil-soaked working materials, such as fabrics, sponges, as well as abrasive dust with low-dried oil, should be placed in a metal container or in water
When drying, ensure sufficient air exchange
Keep out of reach of children
In case of ingestion and ingestion — do not induce vomiting!
Seek medical help by presenting the technical instructions or the product label to the doctor!
Ensure respiratory protection when spraying.
Avoid contact with the environment.
Residues should not be disposed of in the soil or sewage. Dispose of the contents/container for appropriate recycling.
Due to the natural substances included in the product, a specific smell is possible.
Store in a cool, dry place, do not freeze. Shelf life in a closed package is at least 2 years.
According to the official rules. Disposal Code: EAK/EWC 08 01 11
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